KAGİDER Newsletter November-December 2020

KAGİDER | 3 year ago | 5 minute read

Balkan Women Coalition vol. II

Balkan Coalition-II Social Start-Up Booster for Supporting Female Entrepreneurship in Balkans (2020-1-EL01-KA204-078936) project's kick-off meeting was held on December 22-23. Partner organisations are from Greece, Republic of North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey (represented by KAGİDER) Read more

Successful XII Medawomen Entrepreneurs Forum Virtual Meeting**

On November 20th, was held the XII Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum from Casa Llotja de Mar. This edition was through an Virtual Meeting cause the pandemic, Covid-19, and the imposibility of travel from the speakers. The most representative businesswomen and women entrepreneurs coming from more than thirty Mediterranean countries participated in the Event. Interesting conclusions about the role of women in the Mediterranean Area and new measures to promote their integration into the labour market were projected. The XII Meda Women Entrepreneurs Forum, was focus on some of these social and technological changes to all companies and organizations leaded by women. Read more

EU budget: European Commission welcomes the adoption of the EU's long-term budget for 2021-2027

The European Commission welcomes the Council decision to adopt the next long-term EU budget for the period 2021-2027, which is the final step in the adoption process. With this decision, all the conditions have now been fulfilled for the next multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027 to be in place as of 1 January 2021. As a result, €1.074 trillion [in 2018 prices] will become available for beneficiaries of EU funding during the next seven years. Read more

European Council, 10-11 December 2020

EU leaders reached a deal to address the concerns expressed on the recovery package and agreed on the 55% emissions reduction goal. They also adopted conclusions on COVID-19, security and external relations, and met for a Euro Summit in inclusive format. Read more

The Results from the WEbarometer 2020 Are Out

The official findings of the WEbarometer 2020 were presented and discussed during the WEgate Summit 2020. The survey, addressed to women entrepreneurs across Europe, wanted to take a picture and make an assessment of where women entrepreneurs stand in the current European business ecosystem and what is their opinion of it. It aimed to highlight in which areas this ecosystem could be further improved for women-led businesses, so that WEgate can focus its future actions in these areas. Read more

WEgate Summit 2020- A new vision for the Women Entrepreneurs Community

The WEgate Summit celebrates women’s leadership in driving economic growth and resilience, and brings forward our renewed commitment to develop the WEgate platform to become a reference point for the benefit of the WEgate Community. Read more

WEgate Webinar Review: ''Celebrating Women’s Entrepreneurship Day - Sharing best practices in supporting women’s economic empowerment''

Peer-to-peer learning is gaining traction as a viable and effective method of knowledge transfer, providing coordination, collaboration and space for learning within the community. We want to be inspired and motivated by the good practices, not reinventing the wheel, but having an opportunity to replicate or join an existing, already working practice. We treat women entrepreneurship development in its broadest context and that is why we are looking at a variety of practices touching upon different aspects of the process. Read more

New study: Precarious work from a gender and intersectionality perspective

The study finds that women, particularly young women, those with a migrant background and women with low levels of educational attainment, are especially vulnerable. This is a recurring trend across all of the Member States within the study's scope. One of the key factors behind this is the disproportionate amount of time that women spend in caregiving roles and domestic work, something that is reinforced by COVID-19. Read more

14th Freja Forum Democracy, Equal opportunities and the Reinvented Future

This year the 14th Freja Forum (FF) and Freja Academy that KAGIDER is partnering with since 2011, were organised on a digital platform in cooperation with Tirana, Albania from November 13th to 15th. FREJA Forum Foundation has the objective to promote the civil society organisations in Western Balkan, Turkey and EU to strengthen their role and work to be an important and efficient actor in the civil society, based on values of democracy and equal opportunities. Read more

Gender-Based Violence: How Can Europe Do More To Help Women Achieve Financial Independence And Economic Empowerment

The webinar, presented by the Women Entrepreneurship Platform that KAGIDER is a board member of, and in cooperation with Facebook looked at this link and discuss the challenges that women face in Europe when endeavouring to start a business, and provide ideas and solutions in terms of the policies needed at EU level to empower women to take the leap into entrepreneurship. Read more

Data can save women’s lives: The need for robust data on violence against women in Turkey

The European Union and the Council of Europe organised an international webinar on “Administrative Data Collection and Analysis on Violence against Women and Domestic Violence”, as part of the global campaign of 16 days of activism to end violence against women. Read more

EU finances four female led social enterprises to support Syrians and the host communities

The “Social Enterprise Community of Practice” (SECoP) has been launched under the EU funded “Strengthening Economic Opportunities for Syrians under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens in Selected Provinces” project that is implemented by World Bank. Read more

Women of Europe Awards celebrate outstanding women leadership and solidarity across Europe

In the ceremony held this evening, Sviatlana Tikhanovskaya was awarded the Woman of Europe Award in the Woman in Power category. The award ceremony, the fifth annual Women of Europe Awards, was organised digitally by the European Movement International and the European Women’s Lobby. Read more

Gender Action Plan – putting women and girls' rights at the heart of the global recovery for a gender-equal world

The European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy put forward ambitious plans to promote gender equality and women's empowerment through all external action of the European Union. Read more

Gender perspective in the Covid-19 crisis and post-crisis

On 9 November 2020, the FEMM Committee adopted its report on “The gender perspective in the Covid-19 crisis and post-crisis period”. The draft report and the amendments look at the impact of COVID-19 on women and men, gender-based violence and the economic effects, vulnerable groups, and at the impact outside the EU. Special consideration is given to the recovery package and the measures to be taken. Read more

Stop violence against women: Statement by the European Commission and the High RepresentativeRead more

Equal Pay Day: Statement by Vice-President Jourová and Commissioners Schmit and Dalli

Women in the European Union still earn less than men. The gender pay gap in the EU-27 has slightly improved since last year: from 14.5% to 14.1% according to the latest Eurostat findings. The European Equal Pay Day marks the day when women symbolically stop getting paid compared to their male colleagues for the same job. Read more



Türkiye Kadın Girişimciler Derneği

Türkiye Kadın Girişimciler Derneği (KAGİDER), girişimcilik yoluyla kadının güçlenmesini hedefleyen bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Kadının sadece ekonomik olarak değil politik ve sosyal olarak da güçlenmesini hedefler. KAGİDER kadın girişimciliğini, kadınların eşitsiz ve dışlanan toplumsal konumlarının değişmesi ve bu sayede ekonomik güçlenme ile kadın güçlenmesini sağlayacağı için destekler. Kadın girişimcilerin sağlayacağı faydalar, kadınların güçlenmesi ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanmasına katkı verecektir.