Balkan Women Coalition (2012 – 2014)

Balkan Women Coalition

KAGIDER is a partner of “Balkan Women Coalition for Professional Qualification and Training in the field of Business and Economic science” Project which brings together women’s associations from Greece, Romania, Croatia, Turkey, FYROM, Serbia, Albania and Bulgaria.

The aim of the project is the creation of stable and multinational network of institutions and organizations from Balkan region in order to develop qualifications and organize seminars to help the women in the business filed. The main objective is to create one network in order to support the cross border partnerships between educational institutions and economical and social development based on common resources. Promotion of equal opportunities, new educational levels and post educational qualifications based on organization of seminars and classes, the promotion of women’s contribution to the research, innovation and awareness are some of the principles that were followed during the implementation of the goals.
