Women in Business Summit was Held in Cyprus.

Women in Business Summit was Held in Cyprus.

KAGİDER and GİKAD Brought Entrepreneur Women Together in Cyprus.

The 3rd "Women in Business Summit", organized in cooperation with The Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey (KAGİDER) and the Turkish Cypriot Entrepreneur Women Association (GİKAD) with the support of the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye, was held in Cyprus. KAGİDER President Esra Bezircioğlu also made a speech at the summit.

The presidents and members of a total of 24 Non-Governmental Organizations from Türkiye, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan and the World Association of Women Entrepreneurs attended the summit, where topics such as "All Together for the Future", "Our Future is Young People", "Technology and Science of the Future", "The Future of the Future" were held. Sessions were held on the topics "Business Models" and "Agriculture and Food in the Future". Within the scope of the summit, the Cyprus Handicrafts Fashion Show, B2B meetings and the Republic Gala Dinner for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye and the 40th anniversary of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus were held.

Esra Bezircioğlu: “The world is changing and for a sustainable future, women need to be more involved in all sectors. "In the business world shaped by digital and green transformation, women's full, equal, safe and effective participation is of critical importance."

KAGİDER President Esra Bezircioğlu celebrated the founding anniversaries of the Republic of Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in her speech at the opening of the summit.

Bezircioğlu emphasized that women have a key role in the future of both countries. Bezircioğlu continued his words as follows:

The world is changing and in order to build a sustainable future, women need to benefit more from their dynamism and potential in agriculture, industry and the service sector. Today, it is important to ensure the full, equal, safe and effective participation of women in the workforce ecosystem that is changing with digital and green transformation all over the world. To be up to date no matter what job we do; Keeping up with the agenda will always be important!

Today, when we talk about the new economy and world order, we are talking about an economy shaped by technology. According to McKinsey's report, women entrepreneurs have the potential to add $13 Trillion to the global economy by 2030, in addition to creating multiplier effects that create jobs, encourage innovation and reduce inequalities. This shows us that supporting women entrepreneurs plays a critical role not only in terms of gender equality but also in economic terms.

We follow with appreciation the efforts of the TRNC Government and Türkiye for economic development in Northern Cyprus and the activities of the Turkish Cypriot Entrepreneurial Women Association GİKAD, which has implemented very important work even though it has only been established for 3 years. As KAGİDER, we are very proud to work hand in hand with GİKAD with our knowledge and experience in popularizing women's entrepreneurship and women's empowerment.

In her speech at the opening of the summit, president of the Turkish Cypriot Entrepreneurial Women Association, Dr İçim Çağıner Kavuklu celebrated the founding anniversaries of the Republic of Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and wished for an end to wars and violence against women all over the world.

Pointing out that the prosperity of Northern Cyprus can only be possible if the Turkish Cypriot woman reaches the place she deserves, Kavuklu stated that the country should be strengthened with politics on the basis of equal sovereignty.

At the summit held between 30 November and 2 December, KAGİDER 2019-2023 President Emine Erdem, KAGİDER Vice President Güzin İlker, KAGİDER Board Members Dilara Koçak and Seda Yekeler, and KAGİDER members Tülin Yazıcı, Filiz Akkaş, Tülin Akın and Çiğdem Kıral were also speakers at the sessions.