Kahramanmaraş Visit was Held in Cooperation with KAGİDER and ING Türkiye.

Kahramanmaraş Visit was Held in Cooperation with KAGİDER and ING Türkiye.

Within the scope of the project developed in cooperation with KAGİDER and ING Türkiye to empower women in Kahramanmaraş province and support local economic development, KAGİDER and ING Türkiye Delegation was in Kahramanmaraş for local stakeholder visits on December 7.

KAGİDER Board Members Gülin Yücel and Manolya Tanla, KAGİDER Projects Manager Esra İdris, ING Türkiye Communication and Brand Experience Group Director Gökçe Say Özden, ING Türkiye External Communication Directors Ayşegül Erdoğan and Yasemin Görür and GEN Türkiye Board Member Aykut Balcıoğlu visited Kahramanmaraş Governor Mükerrem Ünlüer in his office and gave information about the project.

During their visit to Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality Council Members, KAGİD and TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board, the delegation held consultations on the training and mentoring programs to be provided during the project process and the support of women entrepreneurs who want to become entrepreneurs in Kahramanmaraş or who want to become entrepreneurs and expand their business.