W20 Declaration of Support for Afghan Women and Girls

KAGİDER | 3 year ago | 2 minute read

We, the Women20 (W20), express deep concern over recent events in Afghanistan that infringe upon the basic human rights of the Afghan people, especially Afghan women and girls.

We call upon G20 leaders to actively contribute to establishing peace, stability and human rights in the region, and to reinforcing Afghanistan’s commitment to keep Afghan women and girls free from all forms of violence as signatories to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

The W20 calls for action by G20 members to deliver humanitarian aid to women and girls remaining in Afghanistan, and evacuation assistance and safe passage for women and girls choosing to leave the country.

The W20 specifically requests G20 support for establishing an independent authority to monitor the status of Afghan women and girls, in an effort to ensure their continued rights to:

1. Education from primary school through to university;

2. Decent work and employment;

3. Political participation;

4. Freedom of speech and expression;

5. Safe access to the internet, telecommunications and digital technology; 6. Freedom from all forms of violence; and

7. Freedom of movement.

The W20 further calls on G20 leadership to immediately end forced return to Afghanistan of migrants, especially women and children, and to:

1. Guarantee safe passage, humanitarian corridors and prioritised visa processing for Afghan women involved in politics, journalism, business and civil society;

2. Allow safe passage and refuge in G20 member countries for Afghan women’s rights activists and their families; and

3. Ensure protection of the human rights and safety of Afghan women and girl refugees at all stages of their migration;

The time has come to back up words with action in Afghanistan. There must be no turning back on human rights and women’s rights.


Türkiye Kadın Girişimciler Derneği

Türkiye Kadın Girişimciler Derneği (KAGİDER), girişimcilik yoluyla kadının güçlenmesini hedefleyen bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Kadının sadece ekonomik olarak değil politik ve sosyal olarak da güçlenmesini hedefler. KAGİDER kadın girişimciliğini, kadınların eşitsiz ve dışlanan toplumsal konumlarının değişmesi ve bu sayede ekonomik güçlenme ile kadın güçlenmesini sağlayacağı için destekler. Kadın girişimcilerin sağlayacağı faydalar, kadınların güçlenmesi ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanmasına katkı verecektir.