KAGİDER May-June Newsletter

KAGİDER | 3 year ago | 5 minute read


DFDS Business Unit Mediterranean held a “digital marketing” training for women entrepreneurs in cooperation with KAGİDER

DFDS Business Unit Mediterranean held a new session of training seminars for women entrepreneurs within the scope of DFDS Academy video panels. The effects of the new type of coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on the logistics industry, ways to manage this process most effectively and new opportunities are discussed through the seminars. Read more

KAGİDER Digital Talks Agenda is ' Back to Work and Technology '

KAGİDER (Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey) continues to address the current problems of the businesses with the online-held ‘Digital Talks’ during the period of the coronavirus epidemic with the digital panel titled ‘How Technology Will Serve Us When We Return Back to Work?’. Important evaluations were shared on the process of returning to work, digitization and technology usage. Read more

‘Threats and Opportunities in the Context of Turkey-EU Relations During the Days of the Pandemic’ was discussed at the ‘KAGIDER Digital Chats’

During the times of the coronavirus outbreak when people keep staying at their homes by adjusting the social distance and remote-working has become spread, KAGIDER (Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey) keeps addressing the current problems of businesses with online-held ‘Digital Talks’. Read more

EU News

WEbarometer - help us open doors for women entreprneurs

As part of the WEgate initiative, we are launching the WEbarometer, a survey on women entrepreneurship. Undertaken during the month of July, this initiative is a pan-European survey of women entrepreneurs ONLY, with the goal of establishing an annual barometer of their business sentiments which can be tracked across time. Read more Take the survey here

New report: Funding women entrepreneurs: How to empower growth

The new report, “Funding women entrepreneurs: How to empower growth”, prepared by the joint EIB and European Commission InnovFin Advisory, provides a sound market overview of the funding landscape for women-driven businesses. It assesses the access-to-risk-capital conditions for these firms and analyses trends in venture capital funding for women-led and women-founded companies in the EU, the United States and Israel. Read more

Respect older people’s rights when exiting the COVID-19 pandemic

Many older people in care homes fell victim to COVID-19. Many also faced months of isolation and restrictions often harsher than those enforced for other parts of the population. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) looks at how the pandemic affected the rights of older people. Read more

Deal on digitalisation of access to justice will benefit citizens

Parliament and Council negotiators reached an agreement to make access to justice faster, cheaper and more user-friendly for EU citizens and businesses. Read more

Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty

FEMM voted on its draft opinion on the EMPL report on “Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty” in order to contribute with the FEMM perspective to the latter. The draft opinion focuses on the fact that women are more affected by flexible work forms, atypical and flexible contracts and are therefore more likely to experience poverty. Read more

The gender perspective in the Covid-19 crisis and post-crisis period -Draft report

The report deals with all facets of gender issues related to the crisis and gender mainstreaming of all COVID-19-related measures. The Rapporteur argued that gender and sex have dominated not just the clinical aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the response to it. Read more

Report on Gender equality and long-term care at home

EIGE’s report on gender equality and long-term care was published on 25 June 2020, at the request of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The report focuses on formal homebased care across the EU. It looks at different aspects of long-term care that determine women’s and men’s opportunities to access long-term care services. Read more

EIB approves € 7.5 billion for COVID-19 response and investment in health, private sector, clean transport, education and energy

The European Investment Bank approved € 7.5 billion of new financing for projects across Europe and around the world. This includes investment to improve public health, hospital and elderly care facilities and dedicated new business lending programmes to support sectors most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more

Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020 Questions and Answers

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is a composite index published annually by the European Commission since 2014. It measures the progress made by EU Member States towards a digital economy and society, bringing together a set of relevant indicators. Read more

Covid-19 and gender-based violence: Has the pandemic taught us anything?

Lockdowns to prevent the spread of Covid-19 trapped many women at home with abusers. Several countries saw spikes in domestic violence reports. As lockdowns ease, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is taking a closer look at how we can protect women in times of crisis – be it a pandemic, natural disaster or economic recession. Read more

"Team Europe" global response to COVID-19: Council welcomes the mobilisation of almost €36 billion and approves conclusions

The Council approved conclusions on the "Team Europe" package that is part of the EU's global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In its conclusions the Council expresses its deep concern about the global spread of the COVID‑19 pandemic, which continues to claim lives worldwide and have far-reaching social and economic effects. Read more

Employment MEPs reach consensus with Commission on workers’ health and safety

MEPs and the Commission agreed to classify the virus that causes COVID-19 as a risk group 3 biological agent, adding more safeguards to protect all workers. Read more

Europe's moment: Repair and prepare for the next generation

The European Commission has put forward its proposal for a major recovery plan. To ensure the recovery is sustainable, even, inclusive and fair for all Member States, the European Commission is proposing to create a new recovery instrument, Next Generation EU, embedded within a powerful, modern and revamped long-term EU budget. Read more

European Semester: The Spring Package explained

The European Semester Spring Package includes: A communication on the country-specific recommendations; Country-specific recommendations for 27 Member States and the United Kingdom; Reports under Article 126(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU); The sixth enhanced surveillance report for Greece; Post-programme surveillance reports for Spain and Cyprus. Read more

Western Balkans and Turkey: Joint conclusions of the economic and financial dialogue of 19 May 2020

Representatives of the EU Member States, the Western Balkans and Turkey, the European Commission and the European Central Bank, as well as representatives of the central banks of the Western Balkans and Turkey met for their annual economic policy dialogue. The dialogue aims at preparing the Western Balkans and Turkey for the future participation in the European Semester. Read more

COVID-19: Council adopts temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE)

As part of its emergency support package to tackle the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis, the EU has put in place a temporary instrument to help workers keep their jobs during the crisis. Read more

Special 2021-2022 EER edition on Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Recovery

The jury of the European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) Award has decided to merge the current application process with the next one by re-opening the 2021 call for applications and extending it over 2 years. The Special 2021-2022 EER Award will thus allow up to 6 regions to be awarded the EER label. The new deadline to submit applications has been set to 28 October 2020. Read more

Tourism and transport: Commission's guidance on how to safely resume travel and reboot Europe's tourism in 2020 and beyond

The Commission presents a package of guidelines and recommendations to help Member States gradually lift travel restrictions and allow tourism businesses to reopen, after months of lockdown, while respecting necessary health precautions. Read more



Türkiye Kadın Girişimciler Derneği

Türkiye Kadın Girişimciler Derneği (KAGİDER), girişimcilik yoluyla kadının güçlenmesini hedefleyen bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur. Kadının sadece ekonomik olarak değil politik ve sosyal olarak da güçlenmesini hedefler. KAGİDER kadın girişimciliğini, kadınların eşitsiz ve dışlanan toplumsal konumlarının değişmesi ve bu sayede ekonomik güçlenme ile kadın güçlenmesini sağlayacağı için destekler. Kadın girişimcilerin sağlayacağı faydalar, kadınların güçlenmesi ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanmasına katkı verecektir.